This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The Social Cooperative Enterprise “pramata & thamata” S.C.E. and OCTANUS Civil Non-Profit Organization, within the European Network “Citizens for Europe”, undertook the implementation and completion of the project entitled “THE DAY AFTER” (The next day – of the First World War) which lasted from 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2018. One of the priorities of the “CITIZENS FOR EUROPE” network was to create a memorial ceremony in 2018 on the theme of the Next Day of the First World War. The aim was to shed light on the consequences of the global rupture that gave a new shape to the geographical, ideological, cultural map as well as a new identity in Europe and that led to World War II.
The “Day After” project engaged a number of participants from Cyprus, Estonia, Italy, Romania and Greece. More than 100 citizens formed local working groups in all partner countries. Through regular meetings they investigated facets of the Interwar period within and beyond national perspectives. They created a number of physical materials, essays, lesson plans, presentations, photo collections, artistic albums and they analysed diverse existing works from the European legacy, all focused on or related to the theme of the interwar period, answering to the general heading “Populism of the interwar period and populism of today: Drawing lessons for struggling against and returning to Europe’s truly democratic space”.
In addition, the project created opportunities for debates on the political and economic pressures that EU faces nowadays and are deductible to interwar period by organizing a number of interactive events in all partner countries as well as a transnational meeting with participants from all project partners where the entire work of the local working groups was presented to the others and to the local public.
Presentation event of products and results
14-18 Νοεμβρίου 2018 πραγματοποιήθηκε στην Καλαμάτα με την συμμετοχή αντιπροσώπων από όλους εταίρους εκδήλωση για την παρουσίαση όλων των προϊόντων και αποτελεσμάτων του σχεδίου καθώς και το θεατρικό δρώμενο «INTERMEZZO»