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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Adults on Reciprocal Mission
ADORM (Adults On Reciprocal Mission) refers to a multilateral project implemented by 4 partners from Greece, Estonia, Italy and Romania. The central idea is to design, implement, evaluate, document, disseminate and exploit a new model of mutual cooperation between local communities and four EU Member States.

This model collaboration aims to transmit good practice and voluntary, socially recognized contribution from European adult citizens in exchange for promoting the local, cultural heritage of each partner. The main goal of the planned activities is to facilitate the mobility of adults, who will have a dual role as visitors and as volunteers, to the local communities of the partners.

Each partner will create several Local Working Groups (LWGs) in cooperation with local cultural and social structures. They will then organize 4 pilot 7-day hosting programs, involving 48 different adult citizens from the partner Member States. The hosting program will include an educational / recreational part, which will involve acquaintance visits with the local, cultural heritage, as well as a social part, which will involve a short but substantial voluntary offer to individuals and / or institutions in need.

In conclusion, the ADORM project is about promoting intangible and tangible elements of the rich cultural heritage of each partner. It aims to link cultural goods with economic and social life and to show that smart and modest management of cultural resources can have a small but substantial economic and social impact.

The project is targeted at mature adults who want to contribute to society as a whole inside and outside their borders, but they do not know how or they were not given the right opportunity or they have limited financial means.


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The ADORM ebook

Online pdf
Adorm meeting 2022
The project partners - local coordinators and educators - met in person to evaluate the results of the project and to organize the next dissemination activities. They also discussed the impact of the learning activities on the participants and their local community. All participants expressed their satisfaction with the overall implementation of the project, which can contribute to the development of small local communities in the field of social and cultural tourism.

Assessment Meeting

Athens, Greece

Fourth blended mobility of adult learners

Kalamata, Greece
Adorm Kalamata
Despite the pandemic, the fourth and last learning activity of the ADORM project was organized with optimism and provision, in Kalamata by the coordinator “pramata & thamata” S.C.E. The participant adults from Estonia, Italy and Romania were engaged in various creative and social activities, visited important landmarks and local organizations, exchanged views with guest speakers, teachers and students of the Special Vocational Training Centre of Kalamata and offered their voluntary services in the city’s welfare structures such as the municipal social pharmacy and the municipal welfare meals. All guest participants agreed on the importance of the scheme for the promotion of European cooperation in the fields of culture, social tourism and volunteerism and gained in experiences and good impressions.
Palermo ADORM
The Cultural Association Come Una Marea organized the third learning activity of the Adorm project and provided the partners’ representatives guided tours on different cultural and micro-cultural elements of Palermo’s rich history. The guests participated in artistic workshops, visited monuments, museums and theatres, upgraded their knowledge on different aspects of the region’s cultural heritage and exchanged views on volunteer, artistic and social initiatives.

Third blended mobility of adult learners

Palermo, Italy

Participation in a dissemination event

Kalamata, Greece
Participation in a dissemination event on the 27th of September 2021.
On the occasion of the World Day for Tourism (September 27th), the cultural association "Let's go for a walk" and "Ethos Peloponnesus" S.C.E. organized an event for another model of tourism after the pandemic in the garden "Carpe Diem" (end of the costal boulevard, opposite Filoxenia Hotel). Many local institutions were invited to the event, including our own. Mrs. Evie Giannakopoulou presented the ADORM project and stressed the importance of cultural and voluntary tourism.
The partner Camena implemented with creativity, caution and dedication the second learning activity of the project. The participants, envoys of the other partners, participated in many creative activities such as visual art and art workshops and offered their voluntary services to museums and social and cultural institutions. They enjoyed the beauties of the host city and the warmth of its inhabitants- especially the young-, while developing skills in communication, teamwork and cooperation with other people and cultures.

Second blended mobility of adult learners

Drobera Turnu Severin, Romania

First blended mobility of adult learners

Pärnu, Estonia
Nooruse Maja affectionately and professionally hosted the representatives of the project’s partners in the beautiful Estonian city of Pärnu and reserved nice surprises to their guests by organizing a variety of entertaining and volunteering activities. The guests participated in training workshops, improved their vocational skills and helped the local community with their voluntary contribution.
ADORM Συνάντηση Παρουσίασης
The Presentation Meeting of the European Project "Adults on Reciprocal Mission" (ADORM / ERASMUS +) was successfully held in Kalamata. We warmly thank our partners/associates, the participants and potential volunteers in the hosting programs of the Project, as well as the local social and cultural organizations involved for their substantial contribution.
ADORM Συνάντηση Παρουσίασης 2ADORM Συνάντηση Παρουσίασης 3

Presentation Meeting


SWOT Analysis

Online pdf
The web-kick-off meeting took place on 28/01/2021 (Force Majeure: Covid-19 pandemic).

Taking into account the mobility restrictions and in general the obstacles imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the partners agreed and set a project’s Workplan allocating each partner’s responsibilities. Nevertheless, they agreed to further their web-meetings in order to be prepared for any alteration the exceptional circumstances may require.

Kick-off Meeting

International cooperations
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